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gamble bot discord commands - win

Join my discord server, gambling bots, fun commands, and more! I would really appreciate it if you joined :)

submitted by valerodiego to discordservers [link] [comments]

Robbed of all my money, I quit.

Robbed of all my money, I quit. submitted by EpixPlaysReddit to dankmemer [link] [comments]

The Mods of WSB & A Coordinated AMC Pump

Going to be editing this with info as I come across it. Please DM me if you have anything to add. Many of you have reached out and I've complied a lot of evidence. I realize now that these pumps originated in Discord groups, but this is something I am still actively looking into and won't be including here.
Users of wallstreetbets (and also places like Stockwits, amcstock, and Youtube chats) attempted a coordinated pump on AMC (& GME) today, Feb. 3rd. These comments are still avaible. The fact they are still up and that I found them very easily means that the mods are not able to moderate their community well enough to stop coordinated pumps. There is not evidence that shows the mods were in on coordinated pump, but the fact that they were unable to stop it taking place shows that the subreddit has grown far too big to be managed by a team of 35 mods.
There is evidence that some mods owned both AMC and GME, and it is possible they held these shares while the coordinated pump was happening in threads they were supposed to be moderating (proof of GME ownership at the bottom).
Coldcutcombo69 was mod on WSB during the AMC coordinated pump. Here is them claiming that they were a mod on WSB. This image of mods before and after the day of the pump confirms they were a mod during the AMC pump-and-dump.
Coldcutcombo69 posted a picture of them having a sell order on their AMC stock that never hit, making it possible they owned AMC shares during the coordinated pump.
Coldcutcombo69 also posted some kind of DD thread about AMC two days ago, promoting the stock here. The content of this post has been removed. This post promoting AMC was made while Coldcutcombo69 was a moderator.
Coldbutcombo69 was a moderator during the AMC coordinated pump. They are no longer a moderator as of the time of this post, only a few hours later. They confirmed this here. A WSB mod was posting comments and threads promoting AMC while possibly still holding AMC shares, and a pump-and-dump occurred in the daily threads that they (along with others) were supposed to be moderating.
turdled is currently a WSB mod. They said, "We don't comment or promote trades. That's up to the subscribers and their upvotes/downvotes to decide." View it here.
turdled's claim was false. Coldcutcombo69 had been a moderator for 25 days. During that time they posted comments and threads promoting AMC, while providing evidence that they actually owned AMC shares. A moderator (who may command more respect in a community of 8.5 million people) promoting a stock is wrong, and the mods clearly believe that is the case since they said they don't do it. But at least one of them did. It could be that Coldcutcombo69 was removed because they were promoting AMC, but they had been doing this for days and were only removed a few hours ago.
ZJZ (a well known moderator) posted this today and was removed as a mod. The head mods also removed more mods, cutting the number of mods from from 62 mods to 37. Coldbutcombo69 was cut from the mod team at this time. It seems very suspicious to me that the head mods removed a bunch of mods from their positions after the events of today, especially because one of those ex-mods had been promoting AMC so much while being a mod.
Note: there is some kind of extended purge happening within the mod team right now. The mod team started at 62, then was cut with ZJZ to 37, then 36, now it's down to 35. EDIT: Two new mods have been added, bringing the count back up to 37. One of them tried posting something in a WSB thread, but their comment was deleted by the auto-mod because they have never posted in WSB before. Here is some proof of what's going on there.
ZJZ has exposed that there are bad actors on the mod team, using their power on the sub to try and make cash off movie deals and crypto scams. This at least adds weight to the points im raising in this thread.
EDIT: There was a thread on WSB by a moderator trying to explain what happened with the mod team. You can see that thread here. There is a lot of push back in the thread. The mod's claim is that the profit from the movie deal would have been given to charity. This may not be true, as Discord logs show another mod asking what their profit will be from the movie deal, asking "What's our cut.". Infighting with the mods seems to be a continued issue with a mod changing the subreddit description from the classic "like 4chan found a bloomberg terminal" to this. This change was instantly reverted.
MOD UPDATE 2/4: It seems that the moderator team has changed again. 23 mods now remain. OPINION_IS_UNPOPULAR is now listed as the most senior mod, and they have allowed this thread to stay up. The mod reports that the Reddit admins have stepped in.
Statement from Reddit admins, according to OPINION_IS_UNPOPULAR: "After reviewing this situation based on input from both current and past moderators, we have decided to remove several moderators at the top of the list that were creating instability in the community." Source.
NEW INFO: I've also been sent a good amount of evidence from multiple people indicating these types or coordinating buying and selling schemes were happening on places like Youtube, Twitch, and Discord. All of these groups seem to be composed of WSB/WSB spinoffs users. These users would spam hash tags, spam and raid Twitch channels, and coordinate these social media pushes with timed buying and selling of GME/AMC/BB/NOK. It is possible (and looks likely to me) that the timed pumps you see below were organized by a Discord group. I have collected a lot of evidence on this front, but this evidence of the real organizers of the pump is something I might have to pass along to someone who is more experienced at dealing with this stuff.
The AMC Pump
Here is evidence of the coordinated pump by users on WSB. The coordinated pump effort occurred in the daily thread, but also spilled out into some posts. Note: I have yet to see any comments/posts that moderators made showing them participating in the coordinated pump effort. It is not known if they knew about these comments or not.
"AMC 1 pm LET FUCKING GO" - WildPhoenix55 58 upvotes. Posted around 12:00 PM CST. Not removed as of 8:40 PM CST.
"AMC 2 DA MOON @ 1PM EST" - OutlandishnessOk4137 Posted around 12:00 PM CST. Not removed as of 8:40 PM CST.
"watching that 1pm movie"
At 1 PM, we’re going to the Moon! Get ready! 🚀 🚀 🚀Discussion *Note that this thread was 6 days ago. Still strange that it was not taken down
Comments in this thread talking about 1 PM pump
EVIDENCE THE 1 PM PUMP WORKED: 1 PM seems to be the main time that was set. You can actually see the coordinated pump spike the price of AMC up to $9.70 right after 1 PM. You can also see the massive amount of volume increase during that time as well. Volume between 1:00-1:05 shot up to 8,725,700. This was the highest volume for a 5 min period all day. Check it out here.
It was also reported to me that some users received DM's about the pump. If you are reading this and received any kind of DM like this, please message me. After seeing the first pump work successfully, they tried it again 1 hour later. Here are a swarm of comments made coordinating the pump for 2 PM.
"2 shares at 2 pm AMC!!" EDIT: This account has been deleted. You can view a picture of this post here.
"Everyone buy 2 shares of AMC and 2pm let’s rush these heggies 💎💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀" "AMC at 2 !!!!" "2 AMC shares @2pm rush" "AMC at 2. Let’s give them some payback🚀" "do i buy now or at 2" "Buy AMC at 2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific. 2pm is when it’s happening."
The 2PM coordinated pump was not as successful. It could be that some users were confused with the time differences. Either way, there was still a marked increase of volume during the 5 min period of 2:00-2:05 which also resulted in the stock re-testing its daily high. Check it out here.
You can actually watch a Youtuber Trey's Trades see the pump at 2 PM in action. He is reading comments on a WSB spin-off subreddit amcstock. You can see people spamming chat for people to buy at 2 PM. Here is the video. The fact that this guy's stream chat is filled with a pump-and-dump scheme and he did nothing about it is pretty telling.
I've backed up the comments and info here. If you find anything else suspicious about this, please DM me. I want to make it clear that there isn't evidence that the mods participated in the pump. But the pump-and-dump (which is illegal) happened under the watch of the mod team. They may have tried to stop it, but 8.5 million people is a lot. If they didn't think they could keep the place running without illegal things happening in the comment sections, they should have set the sub to private and put in proper pre-cautions first.
EDIT: This pump also occurred for GME and users in the GME thread were able to comment about it. None of these comments are removed and they exist in very large numbers. They are mostly heavily downvoted, but the fact they are able to stay up means the mods failed at their job.
Comment 1 Comment 2 Comment 3 Comment 4 Comment 5 Comment 6 Comment 7 Comment 8 Comment 9 Comment 10 Comment 11
The volume spikes do show an uptick in volume around 1PM and around 2PM, but they are not as strong as the AMC boost in volume. The volume during these times were high, but they weren't the highest points in the day for GME.
EDIT: I want to make it clear to people who are saying "those are just bot accounts." Bots are still controlled by humans. If bot spam cannot be caught and deleted, that means 8.5 million people are exposed to pump-and-dump schemes run by bots. It does not reflect any better on the mods if the comments are made by humans or made by bots controlled by humans. It is now a day later, and still none of the comments have been removed by a moderator or moderator bot.
UPDATE: Wall Street Bets has completely removed any post talking about ZJZ and his post about the head mods trying to engage in crypto scams and strange movie deals. (EDIT: This has changed, see above.) The rising sections is now completely filled low-effort, small text posts that are only pushing $GME. Here are those threads. Low-effort threads like these are explicitly against WSB rules. Why are mods letting rule-breaking, ticker spamming posts stay up?
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6
WSB mods are banning users for mentioning ZJZ and his post. (EDIT: This has changed, see above.)
Mods Removing Negative GME Posts
I started digging into this when I posted to Wall Street Bets with a post containing some information about GME. The post pushed back against some of the "GME revolutiuon" talking points. It was a pretty tame post, meet all the guidelines for posting, and contained enough content to warrant staying up. The post was removed by the mods, but you can still see it up here. The content of the post was a combo of these two comments I made. This comment here and this comment here. Somebody in the comments recommended I make the contents of the comment into a separate post- which I did until it was removed.
The moderators removed this post, the removal states: "Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose."
I sent a DM to the mods asking why exactly the post was removed. I have not been given a reply. Does the content of the post I made (pt.1 / pt.2) break any of their rules? Why would the mods remove a post containing that info?
Even worse, the exact contents of the post I made exist in comment form and are still up. If the info somehow breaks their rules, why leave it up in the comment section? Why haven't they removed the comments that contain the EXACT wording I used in my post?
It seems very strange to me that a post I made that contained some research to counter act the "GME Revolution" narrative would be singled out removal for "keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose."
The front-page of Wall Street Bets is FILLED will positive memes and DD that supports GME. There is not a single negative post about GME on the entire front page that I can find. Why not leave up some negative DD and let the community downvote/upvote it?
The mods will let the comment section of threads get filled up with misinformation (GME SI being 226% is a common one that is easily debunked, yet is posted every 5 min in daily threads). People are gambling their life savings on outdated information yet when I make a post to push back against some of the common GME arguments, it gets removed.
Mods removing negative GME posts is unethical because WSB mods own GME shares.
jamsi is a mod on WSB. They left this comment: "I just received this e-mail from Robinhood. I am no longer using Robinhood for any of my purchases. Only keeping my $GME - not selling." Here is the comment.
Swedish_Chef_Bork_x3 is a mod on WSB. They left this comment: "Another $2k locked and loaded to buy in tomorrow. Feels like fucking Helm’s Deep in here. I have tomorrow off work, gonna get drunk and hope I don’t sleep through my alarm.". Here is the comment.
rawbdor is listed as a mod under the Moderators section of Wall Street Bets. rawbdor posted a comment saying: "The price is going to plummet hard no matter what we do. The real question is, will they be able to steal our shares in the process. They can drop the price all they want on low volume. But they'll never be able to buy it back unless you sell it to them."
A link to that comment is here.
This comment makes it pretty obvious that rawbdor owns some shares in GME, right? Saying things like our shares implies they own some.
ITradeBaconFutures is also listed as a mod. They made it clear that "Mods did not trade GME". You can find that comment here.
turdled is listed as a mod. They said, "We don't comment or promote trades. That's up to the subscribers and their upvotes/downvotes to decide." View it here.
One mod claims that mods don't trade GME, when its obvious from the three examples above that they did. Another says they don't comment or promote trades, which is also a lie. Other mods have been doing that. They also "promote" trades when they remove content that argues the other side of GME. If the only content they allow on the front-page is GME Positive content, they are promoting that content.
WSB has a mod team of 35 accounts moderating 8.5 million people. CNBC gets about 200k viewers at peak hours, while WSB has almost a million viewing it at a time when the market is open.
The mods could simply send me a DM and explain why my post was removed. They haven't. Market manipulation is bad. It's bad when investment firms do it and its bad when retail investors do it. The mods could DM me right now and say "Hey, here is the reason the post was removed." They haven't. If they do send me a DM, I will post an update here.
Now-former WSB mod ZJZ, in a removed & locked post, accused dormant top mods of coming back to siphon media coverage, potential movie rights, and springboard a cryptocurrency, while suppressing other mods
Coldcutcombo69, a moderator on WSB, was posting comments and threads promoting AMC. A coordinated AMC pump happened in the daily threads and comments that this moderator (and others) were tasked with moderating. This mod was removed as a moderator after this thread was posted. Coldcutcombo69 held AMC stock before the pump, but it is unclear if they held or sold that stock around or after the time of the coordinated pump.
Today, several users, but no mods, in a discussion thread attempted to push buys of AMC at 1 & 2 PM EST. Those times would later coincide with high volumes of stock trades for the day. Similar coordination was attempted by users (no mods) for GME.
WSB's front page is filled with only positive coverage of GME (here's a snapshot), while they removed my post containing negative GME DD with no legitimate reason given.
Mods are holding GME contradicting another high level mod's comment that "mods did not trade $GME". Mods made a false statement that they don't promote stocks, as one of them clearly did. You can also see the other mods comments about GME as also promoting stock.
Tervia's comment here has good info on Reddit moderation.
submitted by brave_potato to gme_meltdown [link] [comments]

[Drawing Thread #56] After last time, we’re back in business. We hope the best for everyone! Comment to enter for a chance to be given the gift of generosity!

It’s good to be back!

Comments have been collected at 5:00 UTC.
In Case You Missed It:


  • REQUIRED: Leave only one (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! (Replying to other comments will not qualify. You must be thirty days old or older to comment.)
  • A random user who commented will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire.
  • June 17 at 7:00 PM ET (epoch timestamp: 1592434800) is the cutoff for accounts. If you have created your account after this point, you are not eligible to enter and your submission will be disqualified automatically.
  • July 19 at 12:00 PM ET (epoch timestamp: 1595174400) will begin the process of selecting the winner. At this time, the [Draw] post will be online and start the process of waiting for the blockchain, in order to select the winner randomly and verifiably.
  • If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner through PM via the RemindMeBot, click here! You can also be reminded by commenting in the thread: "RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /millionairemakers".
  • That's it! If you would like to see the extended rules and FAQs, or if you have questions yourself, click here to be redirected to the thread! Additionally, look out for the stickied post at /millionairemakersmeta. You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media!

Major Announcements

Rule Changes:
  • Increasing the account age: This one is more of a suggestion, but I would like to hear what everyone has to say regarding this one.
I personally believe 90 days is adequate for account age, as there’d be enough data towards a Reddit account to make a good summary of their activity without resorting to assumptions. However, this could also discourage newer users from signing up for Reddit for the subreddit, and decrease participation. This will not be in effect for [Drawing Thread #56].
If you are interested in discussing this, please head to /millionairemakersmeta.
  • One account per person per entry: This one should be obvious, but for clarity’s sake, this will be made official. You can only use a single account for entry.
If there is evidence that arises that suggests the account is a bot or an alternate account, and that the accounts were used to earn multiple entries starting with [Drawing Thread #56], this will result in a consultation with the moderation team, and could lead to a disqualification.
  • The selectee has 48 hours to respond: As demonstrated in [Drawing Thread #55], failure to respond to an activity check following a personal message will result in a disqualification.
Honestly, this has been an inconsistent rule, sometimes being 48 hours while other times being a full week depending on the winners you choose to ask. There are, and I’m certain there will be occasions where it won’t apply since the winner would’ve already made a comment before our official announcement. Of course, the purpose here is to make it official, much like the rule above.
In any case, to make sure you get notified, there are many options at your disposal, from using the RemindMe command, to signing up on Discord when the [Draw] gets posted, to simply setting a calendar reminder, and making sure you have notifications enabled on your accounts to be directed to your phone or email address.
The goals of these new rules is to prevent a situation like [Drawing Thread #55] from happening again, and for transparency between the mod team and the participants.
If you have any suggestions, please head over to /millionairemakersmeta.


Sunday at 12 PM ET (16 UTC), we will be picking our winner, and you won’t want to miss it. The post will be labeled [Draw], and one comment will be selected out of the many made here to make a winner!
Remember, this is about generosity, making an impact, and uniting to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few coins. Every cent makes cents, and counts!
If a lone $1 can get you a mask for obvious reasons, then imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. For starters, you can gamble invest it into the ever-growing stock market.
A million dollars can make someone’s night. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.

Let’s make a millionaire!

submitted by MakerOfMillionaires to millionairemakers [link] [comments]

Trainer Events Bots ***MUST HAVE FOR DISCORD CLUBS***

Ladies and Gents,
Please support and thank badoodles - crunchybadoodle [DiscordAce member] for creating the best thing you can ever use to ensure you develop your players to their max potential! TRAINER BOT! Give him a proper rating and slap on the butt when you see him.
(Bonus are the premium commands - allows you to gamble for free when you can't afford them)

Manage all trainers event
[Basic Commands]!trainerexample:!trainer britrathis will list all trainer events
!trainer-add [trainer name] [event name] [event rewards]
!trainer-add [Britra] [Sacred Sacrifice (Prepare some food)] [Affinity: 8, GP: -200, SP: 30, Skill discount: 3 random, Stamina: 50]
- this will add the event for that trainer in the list
[Premium Commands]
- this will simulate premium 10+1 pull $kunio
- this will simulate UR trainer kunio pull (1% rate) $example:$britra, $violet, $bastet, $pluto, etc.
- this will simulate the desired UR trainer pull at 0.5% rate
All rates are matched with the game
$records- displays all your gambling record

get support @
Link: Trainer Event bot | Discord Bots (
submitted by Hashtag-Naked to baseballsuperstars [link] [comments]

Any ideas for Discord bot commands?

I have completely ran out of ideas for my discord bot (probably bc it has 99 commands already lol) but if i could get any tips on how to think of a new command or just command ideas in general, that would be greatly appreciated :)
here is a list of the commands i have so far: 8ball, adminpay, afk, announce, argsinfo, ascii, avatar, balance, ban, bass, binary, bird, bitcoin, cat, catfact, choose, close, colour, corona, cry, cursedimage, daily, delete, deletenote, docs, dog, dogfact, duck, eval, fact, fisheye, flip, fortnite, fox, gamble, game, hack, help, history, hug, image, invite, joke, kick, leaderboard, leave, loadnote, loop, mcserver, mcuuid, mock, news, nickname, nowplaying, oops, pause, pay, payall, permissions, ping, play, poll, queue, quiz, radio, radioleave, radionp, reload, restart, rickroll, roll, rps, savenote, search, server, shibe, shuffle, shutdown, sing, skip, snipe, spotify, stream, test, thouart, ticket, transfer, translate, trumptweet, tts, uptime, urban, url, userinfo, volume, warn, weather, wiki, year
submitted by New_Researcher4235 to discordbot [link] [comments] bot - I want to put image in embed. bot - I want to put image in embed.
Hello, sir.
I'm using a translator for this article, so please understand in advance.
I can't speak English because I'm Korean.
I can't even program at all.
I happened to be in charge of it suddenly, so I lack knowledge is lacking.
import discord import asyncio from discord.ext import commands, tasks from itertools import cycle from discord.ext.commands import bot import os import random bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!') client = discord.Client() token = "My token" @client.event async def on_ready(): # 구동 준비 완료 print( print('Operational complete') print('====================================') game = discord.Game('order making') await client.change_presence(, activity=game) @client.event async def on_message(message): if message.content.startswith('/gamble'): n = 0 helps = [discord.Embed(title='gamble list', description='**서버 홈페이지** - https://abcd \n**서버 한국 카페** - https://abcd \n**game 공식 스킬** - http://abcd \n**game 공식 카페** - https://abcd/ \n────────────────────────────────── \n1.jan/ken/po gamble \n2.접두사 도박 - 거울 \n3.접두사 도박 - 추출기'), discord.Embed(title='jan/ken/po gable', coulor=0x00fffff), discord.Embed(title='접두사 도박 - 거울', description='3', color=0x00fffff), discord.Embed(title='접두사 도박 - 추출기', description='10', color=0x00fffff)] help_msg = await[n]) for i in ['⏪', '◀️', '⏹️', '▶️', '⏩']: await help_msg.add_reaction(i) def check(reaction, user): return user == and == while True: try: reaction, user = await client.wait_for('reaction_add', check=check, timeout=None) except asyncio.TimeoutError: break if reaction.emoji == '⏪': n = 0 await help_msg.edit(embed=helps[n]) elif reaction.emoji == '⏩': n = len(helps)-1 await help_msg.edit(embed=helps[n]) elif reaction.emoji == '◀️': if n != 0: n -= 1 await help_msg.edit(embed=helps[n]) elif reaction.emoji == '▶️': if n != len(helps)-1: n += 1 await help_msg.edit(embed=helps[n]) elif reaction.emoji == '⏹️': await help_msg.delete() break 

discord.Embed(title='jan/ken/po gamble', coulor=0x00fffff),

discord.Embed(title='jan/ken/po gamble', coulor=0x00fffff),
I'd like to put an image in this embed, but I don't know how

I already know about that.
My brain and VS rejected it.
Can you give me some advice?
God bless you all.
submitted by knowname1022 to learnpython [link] [comments]

Dear Melmsie Dauntless needs your help.

Dear Melmsie Dauntless needs your help.
If you have already read this on discord than the petition link is here
Dear Melmsie,
My name is Thehulk13#7098 My friend and one of your best bot mods is in desperate need of help his name is Dauntless or Dauntless#0711.
We have been friends for a long time, but this all started when dank memer community opened and dauntless was doing 4,982,393 heists because he didn’t have a 5 mil bank. And after 4 or 5 I gave him some fish to sell and he refused
So i helped him out and gave him banks to get to 5 mil.
I randomly pls level’d him saw he was only prestige 1 br0000 learn 2 grind WHEN? Like was his hiring process oh ur pres 1 totally loyal to memer lemme bot mod u ? sry random thought but i checked his commands and he agreed that he would prestige.

Br000 32,000 mod commands w/e the f0k that means
It could not stop there daunt is my br0 i have Me and a few IRL friends have caught at least 1000 alts / scammers / auto typers and i either ppcreate or i call the Brolice to catch these d00ds and he is always there even finds the other 5 alts must use mod command or some shit idk.
To be even more of a bro we even more We did 3 mil in dmc no req gaws with this embed in a #helpabro channel

I raged one day and he laughed at me for getting 304 bank space before prices of banks went Stonkz but not so funny now huh br0….. I PAID 105k for ur 82 coin expanded bank

It didn’t stop there I held a raffle for 10m dmc prize in entry fee was 1 note inThe titans server.
I’m pretty sure pls use bank gives 0xp so i have managed to get him to grind but 0 xp bro so add xp to pls use bank wen? And pls mod wen? Our goal is to…. Allow him to prestige… His wallet alone has 224 mil like who is going to hold 4 him when he prestige? Also…. His inventory daunt posted 1 meme randomly and got a free laptop .. rigged ik…
I’ve also bought a pepe trophy i think think gonna raffle off this week to help get daunt more bank space
I love dank memer and this community but like is almost impossible to have someone hold for him.
This is why I am asking Melmsie to pls help daunt prestige. Maybe let him give to memer? Or idk use owner hax bc daunt has done so much for the community and support now with covid and staying home he might have time for some gambling or grinding. Like….. Look at this..
Wtf…. even is this. this profile. I have enlisted a few grinders one you might know Aiphey#0711 to teach him new commands like hunt fish pm sell fish use items and slots and gamble if mel can somehow save our daunt from forever stuck as prestige 1 youtuber
Huge shout out to aiphey for being a true grinder and dmo staff ass well… look at a true grinders profile that profile just says TRUST written all over it. I think daunt would enjoy gambling and playing here and there with some of the dmo staff and friends. But cant gamble kuz balance and babi bank.
All in all, I may type like a 7 year old but i’m a b00mer and i do advertising online for a living. Maybe when i replace the PSU to my gaming PC we can ride around in in our sparrows or own some nubs on destiny ya?
I appreciate all the hard work you and the DMO staff do TY for some fun times.
A few recommended updates from me… Increase min amount a bank can give .If increase how much they give price will just go way too stonks
Give xp for mod or just ban him from using mod for 2 weeks so can grind.
Let memer hold daunts inv / bal ? or maybe you? Ill give u pepe ccoin
And a few actual serious ones don’t want to say publicly and i’m not an email kinda guy so ii took the risk of sending you a friend request knowing i might just get that quick bannerino m9 might ping 3x in General idk yet.
Might start a petition to get Mel to help daunt to be able to prestige.
THANK YOU to ALL DMO staff in support and in community you guys are the best. Thank you so much for your hard work.
submitted by thehulk133 to dankmemer [link] [comments]

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★MyDiceBot★ - Ultimate Bitcoin Dice Bot


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How to run from source code directly

Ensure you install the latest version of docker and docker-compose
bash git clone mydicebot cd mydicebot bash * Visit http://localhost:57432/login


Manual Bet

Auto Bet

Script Bet

Internal Variables

Variable Type Permission Purpose
basebet double Read Write Shows the amount of the first bet. Only set for first bet.
previousbet double Read Only Shows the amount of the previous bet. Only set after first bet.
nextbet double Read Write The amount to bet in the next bet. You need to assign a value to this variable to change the amount bet. Defaults to previousbet after first bet. Needs to be set before betting can start.
chance double Read Write The chance to win when betting. Defaults to value set in advanced settings if not set. Need to set this value to change the chance to win/payout when betting.
bethigh bool Read Write Whether to bet high/over (true) or low/under(false). Defaults to true (bet high/bet over)
win bool Read Only Indicates whether the last bet you made was a winning bet (true) or a losing bet (false).
currentprofit double Read Only Shows the profit for the last bet made. This is not the amount returned. betting 1 unit at x2 payout, when winning, currentprofit will show 0.00000001 (returned =0.00000002), when losing, profit will show -0.00000001
currentstreak double Read Only Shows the current winning or losing streak. When positive (>0), it's a winning streak. When negative (<0) it's a losing streak. Can never be 0. Only set after first bet.
currentroll double Read Only Show current roll information
lastbet object Read Only This is an object containing more details about the previous bet, including the lucky number that was rolled, chance, amount, profit etc.
Variable Type Permission Purpose
balance double Read Only Lists your balance at the site you're logged in to.
bets int Read Only Shows the number of bets for the current session.
wins int Read Only Shows the number of wins for the current session.
losses int Read Only Shows the number of losses for the current session.
profit double Read Only Shows your session profit. Session is defined as the time since opening the current instance of bot or the last time you reset your stats in the bot.
currencies string array Read Only List the currencies that can be used at the current site, usually in the currency short code (btc, ltc, etc.).
currency string Read Write Can be used to change the currency to bet in using any value from the currencies list. Only values from the currencies list can be used.

Internal Functions

Function Purpose
dobet() The loop of bets
stop() Stop the bet
start() Start the bet (from very beginning) after stop()
resume() Resume the bet (from current stopping) after stop()
resetsession() Reset the session
resetstats() Reset the session
resetseed() Reset the client seed
sound(path_of_the_sound) Sound notificaiton
message(text, type=\'debug\', expire=time_interval_value_in_ms) Message notification on the screen. Four types: "info", "success", "debug", or "error". Expire interval is 4000 ms by default, -1 for not hiding the message.
betinterval(ms) Bet Interval in milliseconds

Sample Code

Script Gist

Report Issue







submitted by mydicebot to mydicebot [link] [comments]

Baron Bunny Bot, a wishing simulator bot on Discord!

Hi all! Recently, my friends and I have been developing a Discord bot that provides the same joy, agony, and pain of wishing in Genshin Impact! Please gamble responsibly.
What exactly does it do?
Currently, it is a Genshin Impact gacha bot with modified/improved rates. You can check the characters and weapons that you've pulled, add notes to them, and view anyone's most pulled character!
Cool! How do I start wishing?
First, use .init to initialize yourself in the database. When you first start off, you will receive 10 free Fates which are used to roll for characters (and weapons)! Use .f to claim these fates. After that, you will receive a fate every two hours stored up to a maximum of 10. This means that every 20 hours, you are able to do a x10 pull.
To wish, use .w! If you'd like to do a multi-summon, simply add the number of wishes to the command! Example: .w 10
Any plans for future updates?
We have a lot of ideas and plans for updates. If you have any requests on what you'd like to see in our bot, please feel free to suggest them here or on our discord linked below!
Sound interesting? Click here to invite it!
If you found a bug or just have any questions, join our discord server or simply comment here about it!
submitted by XiaXosie to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

Cloudbot Default Commands not working

Hey everyone,
I'm having trouble with Cloudbot. Specifically, I want to enable the !gamble or !slots feature, but none of the default commands are working. The custom commands I added (!discord, !giveaway) all work fine, but not a single default command is working (such as !addpoints !removepoints).
It may be worth mentioning that I changed my channel points to "coins" , but still !addcoins doesn't work.
Also I've tried booting Streamlabs bot from my Twitch, unmodding and remodding it, as well as deactivating/reactivating it on the Streamlabs site. I've tried turning it off and on again, now what?
submitted by KonSeanery to Twitch [link] [comments]

I created a Rust Discord bot for skins and items


Add CamBot to your server
Note: Don't uncheck any of the permissions when adding the bot to your server, this can lead to some features not working! Like this
Check it out on GitHub for a list of commands and some examples
Want to check on the prices of some of the skins you invested in? Need to know how much sulfur it would take to raid your neighbor's base? CamBot can do it all without you ever needing to open a new Chrome tab!

Key Features

CamBot comes with a plethora of features that you can use to get information on just about anything in Rust


If you have any suggestions or want to report an issue, please message me on Reddit or send an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). I will fix bugs as soon as I can and incorporate good suggestions into future releases of CamBot! Thanks for your time.
submitted by Meowgee to playrust [link] [comments]

Announcing HifumiBOT 2

Hi, I'm jvyden420, licensed retard.
You may remember me for making HifumiBOT, the bot that, according to my own delusion, everyone loves!
Since many of you have asked for it (A whopping 0! Wow!), today I'll be announcing my next project, HifumiBOT 2.
Without further ado, lets jump right into the features.

First off, quotes are coming back!

Additionally, it's a selection of the most *hilarious* quotes!
These include, and are limited to:
I'm sure you'll love being spammed with these once every 2 messages.

The discord will be making a comeback, with a twist!

It'll be invite-only. Invites are granted to supporters of my upcoming subscription service, Hifumi++, for the low-low price of $99.99 a month!
This is to ensure that my fragile ego stays intact, and that I can keep the server running or some dumb propaganda like that.

Economy commands have returned.

Thats right, you can now gamble to your hearts content once again, especially because I've disabled the timed gambling limit!
That means if you do not submit to my economy, your chat will be LIVING HELL 24/7.

Hifumi 2 will be open source!

Thats right, I'm officially allowing multiple Hifumi instances to be on the server.
It's 50x the fun if 50x the Hifumi 2 instances respond to your !ping, right?

Code quality guaranteed*!

\This is a complete and utter lie.*
Using innovative technology such as the [REDACTED TO NOT GET SUED FOR FALSE ADVERTISING]


Using advanced block-chain bitcoin crypto machine learning AI methods, I have managed to create the most unpure pure form of autism, automated larping!
Hifumi 2 will automagically form groups with other players and have them fight in an ego contest, all of course in public chat.
I'm sure your ignore list will love you!

secks??? how

you can now have the funny 69 69 69 keanu chungus secks with da funny wheeb bot

Procedural Generation

Hifumi 2 will now automatically create commands on the fly using procedual generation. Never fail to run a command again.
Heres an example:
why have you failed me
As you can see, it's completely flawless!


That's all for now. This will release in exactly 41.74356345324 years, so be prepared! I hope you enjoy it when it comes out.
And as always, I'll be doing an AMA in the comments.
What do you think?
View Poll
submitted by jvyden420 to constantiam [link] [comments]

Request fun-bot

I was wondering if anyone can set up a fun bot for certain areas that my discord is lacking. Mostly mini games, gambling commands and some leisurely commands
submitted by Firerealms13yk to discordbots [link] [comments]

Self Hosted Discord Gambling/Economy Bot?

I'm looking for a self hosted, open source Gambling/Economy bot for my Discord Server, any suggestions? I'd like a few things from it:
The slots command must use animated emojis/change the emoji's while it is spinning.
There must be slots, blackjack, and coinflip commands available.

Preferably, I'd like it to be like Fish n Economy and/or OwO.
submitted by IntegroDev to discordapp [link] [comments]

[GER/ENG] Heaven - Unique Features

[GEENG] Heaven - Unique Features
HELLO ! Are you bored to play your dino once you grow and are left with nothing else to do , but you still want to play it couse you don't want to waste 2-6 hours of your life couse the rex killed you?
Then this server is ment for you!
Bassically , I will say this ; You can store your dinos on our Discord server once you grow him and decide to play something else. [Bot is specially and personally programmed by our DevelopeAdmin and its totally unique]
Almost every day in a week we do something for our fellow player's , Like getting a free grow from juvi to sub/adult , Admins nesting sandbox dinos like Spino , Alberto , etc.. Tournament's which are decided by our player's via vote poll on one of our channels, and every 2 weeks on Sunday we do Big Events*.*
There is a currency we have , called Souls ; with that , you are able to buy Dino's fully grown , buy lootboxes where you can get some special prizes, and last but not least is Casino where you can gamble your souls to double them out. The way you get these souls is selling your dinos you feel like not using anymore , being in big events , Bounty's admins do for ridiculous amount of souls or winning the tournaments.
You can store you dino's via discord bot with command's and the bot will save it for you in your own inventory that you can check it anytime you want! Of course if you want to play that dino fully growed again you just have to type \Use Utah m/f y. m/f means Male or a female dinosaur.*
We even have a Webpage where you can pick your colors also :D
For the group of people that like to play together , we have Clan's you can ask to be created by Admins. That requires 4 people to create and you will have your own clan channel which only clan members can join . Or simply play with an allready made clan by someone else and ask them to join in.
Of course we have some rules that follows ; no killing Juvies on the beach , no Group killing , no escaping in deep water while you were in the fight, English and German chat only , no Racism of any sort and to BE NICE TO EVERYONE IN CHAT OR DISCORD ! . Your Heaven Team !
Here is a Discord link if you are willing to join for more INFO and give it a look ;)
submitted by PixyPJ to theisleservers [link] [comments]

[GER/ENG] Heaven-Unique Features

[GEENG] Heaven-Unique Features
Hi , are you bored to play your dino once you grow and are left with nothing else to do , but you still want to play it couse you don't want to waste 2-6 hours of your life couse the rex killed you?
Then this server is ment for you!
Bassically , I will say this ; You can store your dinos on our Discord server once you grow him and decide to play something else. [Bot is specially and personally programmed by our DevelopeAdmin and its totally unique]

Almost every day in a week we do something for our fellow player's , Like getting a free grow from juvi to sub/adult , Admins nesting sandbox dinos like Spino , Alberto , etc.. Tournament's which are decided by our player's via vote poll on one of our channels, and every 2 weeks on Sunday we do Big Events.
There is a currency we have , called Souls ; with that , you are able to buy Dino's fully grown , buy lootboxes where you can get some special prizes, and last but not least is Casino where you can gamble your souls to double them out. The way you get these souls is selling your dinos you feel like not using anymore , being in big events , Bounty's admins do for ridiculous amount of souls or winning the tournaments.
You can store you dino's via discord bot with command's and the bot will save it for you in your own inventory that you can check it anytime you want! Of course if you want to play that dino fully growed again you just have to type \Use Utah m/f y. m/f means Male or a female dinosaur.*
We even have a Webpage where you can pick your colors also :D
For the group of people that like to play together , we have Clan's you can ask to be created by Admins. That requires 4 people to create and you will have your own clan channel which only clan members can join . Or simply play with an allready made clan by someone else and ask them to join in.
Of course we have some rules that follows ; no killing Juvies on the beach , no Group killing , no escaping in deep water while you were in the fight, English and German chat only , no Racism of any sort and to BE NICE TO EVERYONE IN CHAT OR DISCORD ! .
Here is a Discord link if you are willing to join for more INFO and give it a look ;)
submitted by PixyPJ to u/PixyPJ [link] [comments]

Discordpy Tutorial series, building a complex bot with many frequently requested features

I have started working on a video course for creating Discord bots with discordpy.
I hope this post falls under the section "Tutorial posts are welcome".
The course covers the following content:
► Installation and setup of python3 on Mac and Windows
► Installing and using PIP and virtualenv to manage python libraries for the project
► Looking at three different ways of implementing a python discord bot
► Working with the command extension of discordpy
► Working with Cogs in python to easily handle commands and permissions in discordpy
► Implementing basic commands with discordpy
► Requesting external APIs to display images in discord
► Working with permissions and roles in discordpy to manage users
► Reading from the local file system to display text in discord
► Creating simple Games in discord with python
► Working on an experience / rank system for your discord users
► Creating a token / money system that users in discord can spend
► Deploying the discord bot via docker
► and many more features
We are currently in episode 27 with the following content already covered:
Admin Module
Generally the course is aimed at people with basic python knowledge. I will continue working on the course and usually upload 3 or more videos at once, so just because the channel isn't uploading everyday a video, does not mean its dead. But the current amount of episodes should keep you busy for a few hours if you wanted to follow along!
All videos are organised in a playlist:
I don't think it makes too much sense to watch the videos independently, but for the basic commands it would probably work.
Any sort of feedback is welcome. Also requests, but they will probably be postponed until we have finished a section. The current section games will have about another 2 videos on the Guess a Word game, and then we have a few episodes on the lottery system. I screwed my mic for episode 21-24 though, will reupload once the course is done, it's not too bad, but you will see for yourself. Probably we have another 30 episodes though!
PS: The code will be available via github as well, however, that is going to take another couple of days...
submitted by StartupTechTutorials to Discord_Bots [link] [comments]

Gambling Tips

If you’re looking to become rich fast via gambling, then here you’ll get a few tips on how to do so.
1) Farm secret multipliers. There are a lot of outdated youtube videos out there. I had this problem with farming, so here’s the list of what I know.
>! -69+ pink phallic objects - get 69+ of this object. -its corona time - during these times? tbh idk. -69+ server emojis - THIS REQUIRES 2 NITRO BOOSTS TO YOUR SERVER. -Dank memer channel - rename the text channel you use to #dank-memer. -Upvoted - Vote for the first server link. -Tips Enabled - do “pls settings tips true” -7+ days streak - vote for 7 consecutive days. -Subbed to Updates - in the offical discord server, go to #status-updates and press the follow button at the bottom. YOU MUST HAVE ADMIN ON SERVER ON CHOICE TO ADD IT. -EA Gamer - buy a loot box from, and you’ll probably have to buy two meme boxes because of minimum purchases. -200+ commands used - Set aside some time for this one if you only use dank memer for currency. Use 200 different commands from the bot. Even if you need to add something to it, it counts. -Pet Pepe - Get a pet (even a rock) and do “pls pet name Pepe.” -Beta Server - Use in a server that has used dank memer since the beta. -Premium Server - Use in a server that someone has made a premium server with irl cash. -Prestige - For every prestige, you get a 2% boost, unless it caps at the first prestige. -??? - Donate to the server’s patreon. !<
2) Start with a handful on cash. About 100k should be good for now.
3) Get a few Life Savers on you. This will make things safe for the next step.
4) Use some alcohol, the fidget spinner, and tidepod.
Alcohol - Boosts number of roll +1 (ex. 7 -> 8) Tidepod - 5% multiplier for 12 hours Fidget Spinner - 1-5% multiplier depending on (basically luck) for 10min.
5) Use a good gambling strategy. Let’s go back to having 100k: (use pls gamble, slots is VERY risky.)
-Bet 2k, lose.
-Bet 4k, lose.
-Bet 8k, lose.
-Bet 16k, lose.
-Bet 32k, win.
So in that situation, you came back with about 32k, but you won’t always double your money. Depending how high your roll is compared to the house’s roll, that’s your profit, excluding multipliers.
If I missed anything, please feel free to correct me, and I’ll edit my mistake/add what I missed.
submitted by CutePuppy871 to dankmemer [link] [comments]

Concoction Corner: Sethron, Hurloon General (< $50 sorta?) [Budget]

Hi there, beautiful people of EDH and BudgetBrews!
Something a little different for this week: we're gonna tackle a commander from Jumpstart! Of course, that means the deck pricing is gonna look a taaaad bit weird. Because of the releasing of Jumpstart right now being rather staggered, the card prices are all over the place. Normally I price my decks by average, but this one looks to be about 60% higher than the usual lists I build, yikes! However, I'm no market analyst, but I don't expect the prices to stay where they are. If you go by low prices you can still easily build the deck as is, so for consistency I'll leave it as a "sub $50" deck, even though the average prices may not reflect that right now.
While I was planning originally to do a mono-white deck this week, I couldn't not build [[Sethron, Hurloon General]]. First off, whenever he or another minotaur enters the battlefield, we get a 2/3 minotaur token. That's solid in itself, but the real power is his activated effect; for (2)(B) we can pump all of our beastie boys up for +1 power as well as haste & menace. Holy cow (pun intended), that can be strong. Our general strategy is pretty straightforward: play minotaurs, go wide, and beat down. With all that said, he's here, he's steer, and he's vulnerable to board clear: let's get head crackin'.
Sethron, HurList General
As per usual, I'll break down every section and talk about some key cards that are important for the deck's performance. We'll judge cards based on a 4 person pod. Since a lot of the minotaurs' effects tend to be rather vanilla, I'll only talk about the ones that are real game changers. While I was making this deck, I noticed that a lot of people just tend to throw in most minotours they can find, and while that is perfectly fine, just keep in mind that some of the understatted minotaurs can be REAL weak to play, and there are some I see ran in a lot of decks that probably shouldn't be there (i.e it is beyond me why Cursed Minotaur, a 3/2 with menace for 2B, is one of the most popular minotaurs being played over some other cards).
[PS. I also won't be using the bot for every card request, as I usually cap out how many it can search for, whoops!]
[PSS. I wanted to take a quick second to plug the BudgetBrews discord, which you can find in the pins on the sub. I post a lot of other decks in the channel there, so if you want to see some other stuff hop over!]
(not MINOTAURS but still kinda cool tho):
Other Noncreature Permanents:
Most of these are pretty straightforward: draw, removal, the good stuff. Adjust based on your meta, you may need more of one thing than another. However, this should be a good base, with cards like [Last one Standing], [Terminate], and [Rakdos Charm] being solid for keeping your foes in check, and various draw spells like [Cathartic Reunion] and [Thrill of Possibility] to keep some cards in our hand and filter out what we don't need. I'm a fan of [Faithless Looting] but I know some people aren't, so feel free to pull that if you'd like. The staple here is [[Deathbellow War Cry]], fetching 4 MINOTAURS from our deck directly to the battlefield. While we don't necessarily have any combos or anything, it still provides us a great way to just shove threats on to the board and overwhelm our enemies. [Cut // Ribbons] also can be a good finisher if we get the board low enough.
We run 7 pieces, including the revered [Sol Ring]. Since our average CMC is low, yet we have a strong commander who we want out ASAP that's 5 mana to cast, we have a reasonable amount of ramp. [Hazoret's Monument] doesn't ramp all of our creatures, but it gets way more than it doesn't, plus the discard & draw happens regardless of the colors of the creature.
It's a well rounded 2 color manabase. Trying to get lands that don't enter tapped is rather key for a more aggressive deck, but we also need to keep in mind our budget. We have a pretty solid balance of fixing & taplands to the rest of our landbase, with 22 of our 36 being basics. None of our lands tap for colorless either, since we can't really afford to be missing those colored pips in our casting costs early. If you were really hard pressed for budgeting, you could make this cheaper, but I strongly suggest to not pull from the manabase and try and cut down other parts of the deck.

And that's it for this week! Next week I'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming. Feel free to leave suggestions and comments below. Enjoy!
Edit: cursed floating apostrophe .
submitted by Loxicolimystic to BudgetBrews [link] [comments]

It's The Rich Man's World in Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor

Warning: Mild Spoilers for Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor, as well as its second season Against All Odds.
In a Discord server I mod, one of the bots has an option to gamble with a virtual currency. You gain coins by scoring in a coveted top-three spot for any given artist. The gambling is limited to a single channel, fittingly called #gambling-den, and while at the start I have observed people gambling some of this fake currency, lately it’s full of users simply gambling “all”. I don’t have the channel muted, even though I should have, and I like to gamble all as well - just to see myself lose. Every time I return to the channel - not that this happens worryingly often, simply once in a while - I gamble with the intent of losing everything I got. Maybe this time, I tell myself, I will quit for good. Maybe this time, I will learn my lesson. After all, everything should be in moderation, and I always lose with these things (I was thinking of the gambling moments in the designated city in Pokémon games), and anyway, gambling is haram. Yet I never mute the channel, and I feel a low current in myself, the tip of a dynamite ready to spark: a sliver of a hope to raise the white numbers on a black background. A fuse kicks off when I do, and a cold wind blows out my flame when I don’t. Tough luck, I tell myself. Maybe next time.
Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor, and its successor Kaiji: Against All Odds tap into this vague rush of luck and unfold it into its extremes: innocuous games develop to sprawling plans of strategy and a deathly corrosion of empathy and selfishness; debt-riddled characters, beginning from the protagonist Itou Kaiji, that put their hope into said games, regardless what happens to their minds and bodies; and lastly, the owners of the devious games that enjoy the sight that presents itself. You could watch Kaiji and thank God your sense of gambling isn’t as severe as his -- but you could also watch Kaiji and see a millennial suffering through the uncaring systems of this world.
The first thing we know of twenty-one-year old Kaiji is that he’s just lost a gamble among friends. “The future is in our hands”, doubling both as opening title and poster in Kaiji’s single-room apartment, quickly unhinges on one side as if it sensed the viewer’s presence or realized the sheer crookedness of this statement. The narrator quickly adds with a grave voiceover that Kaiji lives in Tokyo for three years, hasn’t been employed since New Years, and that he is a bum. He spends his money on beer and gambles and likes to hang stolen emblems of foreign cars like trophies to be won in order to release the pent-up resentment. “Anyone who drives this car can’t be a good person, anyway,” Kaiji says with a petty smile on his face, but moments later, the reality of his situation crushes him: “It’s all about money,” he mutters, lying on the ground while a silent tear runs over his cheeks. Seasoned loan shark Endou pays Kaiji a visit moments to remind him of a debt he cosigned, its crushing interest raising it to unmanageable levels, all of which Kaiji has to pay for alone now. The only way out of it is to enter a ship named Espoir (French for “hope”), alongside an accompanying game: it will either clear his debt or put him into underground work for a year or two. Kaiji seems against it - he won’t pay the debt, and to hell with the ship. But Endou is quick to remind him that the worst possible outcome is to continue living like he does. The cruise could be a great opportunity to rid of this “loser” mentality that Kaiji has: his resignation to this life, as unhappy as it is. After all, the things Kaiji wants are always behind display cases, and could he ever think of buying the foreign cars he likes to mutilate? “You’ve given up from the beginning and are satisfied by the little pranks you play,” Endou says as a choir and organs wail dramatically behind him. “If you had ten million, would you do shit like that? Of course you wouldn’t!” Kaiji grunts, all too aware that Endou is right. Must be funny in the rich man’s world, ABBA have aptly sung in Money Money Money. almost four decades ago. Kaiji spends two seasons proving them right.
Early on in the first arc and in the game provided in the ship -- an adult men’s card game involving stars, money, a ticking clock, and rock-paper-scissors -- Kaiji mentions the desire to be better multiple times. “Once we get out of here,” he says, “let’s turn our life around. Let’s really try our best.” The game itself requires a hand of luck or the confidence to make his own choice, but as Kaiji fails to have either -- his cunning is reserved for self-interest at the morally purest level, and he’d rather have someone else choose for him -- he’s quickly scammed by the sly Funai. Kaiji finds himself two new friends to survive the game with, convinced that they wouldn’t betray him, and determined to get all three out of the ship hell or high water. The early winners enjoy the game from above with champagne flutes and stars pinned on their chest; the early losers find themselves doomed behind the game room, stripped bare both literally and mentally, dubbed as “hell” by both Kaiji and the narrator. As the four-hour time and card counters tick down ominously, an uneasy, tense electricity passes through the viewer and Kaiji’s face, which usually alternates between a worried face slick with sweat or wet with tears. To win three stars each for the three with a limited amount of cards and money proves itself a tightrope act, requiring Kaiji to plan on the fly as they are thwarted over and over. It comes as little surprise that the visual metaphors in this show usually revolve around abysses, darknesses, lighthouses, and bridges; red, violet, and blue swirls of dark thoughts and evil intent; monstrous hands that claw and pull at the characters; stretches of zawa, translated as “uneasy atmosphere”. Kaiji stops mentioning this elusive better life in progressing episodes, more focused on friendships and winning for their sake, but he doesn’t deny others of their dreams: in the climax of the first arc as well as one of its tensest moments, Kaiji hears the calls of a teary-eyed man and saves him from the literal hell that awaits him. Ironically, it is preceded by a betrayal of the earlier mentioned friends.
The show is about as subtle about its observations on capitalism as a sledgehammer flying your way. The ultimate antagonist is Hyoudou, an old and rich conglomerate head who admits he likes to see poor people like Kaiji struggle, that the only form of sincerity is in the face of crushing debt and pain; two henchmen act as players opposite Kaiji, both in season one and season two; the second season’s first game plays out in a prison for debtors, its second in a casino run by the conglomerate, while the Espoir is a sponsored affair. The second card game involves slaves that can win against emperors; a character aptly surmises that the poor don’t care about overthrowing the system, simply about being rich themselves. Kaiji has a difficult relationship with society, leading him to unemployment, but he needs to have money somehow. Unsurprisingly, he circles back to gambling, and back into the conglomerate’s hands. But there’s also Kaiji’s fellow debtors that work against him, equal in Kaiji in every way barring their moral stance: while Kaiji will think of a collective - two losers that could help him out on a ship, say, or a group of workers that owe the local kingpin money - these debtors are driven by a selfish sense of survival. Empathy, kindness, and respect: these are the coordinates that Kaiji operates in such high-risk situations, rewarded by men that believe in Kaiji’s good graces and help him the best they can. However, these virtues are juxtaposed with Kaiji’s vice to simply win: a gamble involving tissues that he thinks of on the fly; an accusation of theft that Kaiji seizes as opportunity to offer a gamble; the pachinko game that nobody can beat. “The fucking pigs that thought of this system, where everyone is taken advantage of, are laughing their asses off. The more we think about loss and gain, the more obsessed we become, the more we play into these fuckers’ hands!” Kaiji shouts; the next episode, he regrets that he’s helped out anyone to begin with; the episode after that, he starts crying at the prospect of (literally) pushing aside someone to win. By the second season, he actively begs for a new gamble, anything to rid of his broke state and clear his debts as swiftly as possible. He’s led by vague beliefs of reaching for the stars, but a moment later the narrator flips around the hopeful image: “Kaiji is back into the darkness of gambling, where the light of stars never reach.” But in the darkness, he finds the light of fellow men, ultimately able to dispel the fog for even a single moment.
“Kaiji, fated to lose, loses; Hyoudou, fated to win, wins,” recaps the narrator in the second season. It’s crucial that only Hyoudou is mentioned here; as much as capitalism favors companies that own as much as possible as fast as possible, there is always a single man behind the company, the ruler over the rulers. We like to think of this singular owner in order to relay it to us, to give ourselves motivation and despair both; this trick involving carrots and sticks is one frequently brought up in the show as well, by the people that think they can claim a part of capitalism’s cake. Tonegawa admonishes Kaiji until the game turns in on him, calling him trash and belittling his ability to strategize. He berates another character, Sahara, for even asking more than a fake ticket meaning nothing: “Whether you’re a salaryman or a bureaucrat, everyone is risking their lives for money!” The show makes no illusions on ordinary life: to work up, suck up to people they dislike, and barely save with money - that the characters that are racked up with debt have no way to mingle with that league. In one of the most emotional moments of the show, it draws a link between money ruling the solitary person, the solitary person’s isolation, and how connections are all that we have left. It ceases to be about the debts made, gained, regained, and cleared: as two characters ask one another if they’re okay, that they’re here, they can make it to the other side. I am reminded of a moment of Korean future classic Parasite (2019, dir. Bong Joon Ho), in which the poor driver asks the rich man if, despite her lack of cooking, cleaning, or maintaining the house, he loves his wife. The rich man hesitates for a second, then starts laughing. “Of course I do,” he says with a conviction that love has no materialistic gain. It only propels the poor character to scam the rich some more.
The best arcs of Kaiji are the ones where he has some control in the games and said control isn’t pulled out of thin air. Ostensibly, it’s because an active protagonist makes for better stories, a far more engaging watch than a protagonist simply pulled from one moment to the next. But as the show personifies capitalism, gives him a name and an unseemly appearance to match, Kaiji’s control gains a second and third dimension. Because to talk about capitalism is to talk about control: who gets to have control, who can exact control on you, who bought the game and rigged it. So then, Kaiji seizing the means means a pushback, a rebellion: in a system within a system, he can thrive and win -- and maybe get the people around him to win, also. When Kaiji is able to tell the opponent’s card, it is not by sheer deus-ex-machina, but by observation and planning in the game’s long term. When he can accurately call out a scam, it’s with the additional knowledge that Kaiji himself has a counter plan. “We don’t care about your rules,” Kaiji’s VA sings in the first opening. “We don’t care about your morals / We weren’t born to lose.” The rebellious attitude manifests best when Kaiji has something to rebel against, and if it’s in his means. Conversely, the most crushing moments of Kaiji are the moments where the chance of him destroying himself irreversibly seem greater than him winning, when his life is on the line and his irises have shrunk far into his wide eyes. In those moments, it’s impossible not to think of the pain of Kaiji’s temporary friends; as if he could hear the viewer’s thoughts, Kaiji frequently cries for the same reason. Absolute despair, chants the narrator.
In her excellent essay collection Trick Mirror: Reflections of Self-Delusion, Jia Tolentino observes that, now more than ever, surviving can look a lot like a lottery. “As wealth continues to flow upward,” she continues, “as Americans are increasingly shut out of their own democracy, as political action is constrained to online spectacle, I have felt so many times that the choice of this era is to be destroyed or to morally compromise ourselves in order to be functional -- to be wrecked, or to be functional for reasons that contribute to the wreck.” For one and a half episode, we see Kaiji’s moral compromise in order to function in society: he pushes aside the people that are friendly to him and presents himself as difficult on purpose. But in the gambles and against morally compromised people, his own moral compass shines through. He can only control when it’s a system within a system, a rigged game he can work against, be it by its design or the opponent’s cheats. In the workplace, he admits he can’t suck up to others and that he hates others that do; in the gambling ship, he berates others that they didn’t care about friendship, about the promises he’s wholeheartedly believed in. His sole sore spot, expertly pushed by Endou over and over until its breaking point, is when he points out to Kaiji that he can’t make choices on his own, and thus control his own life. Control, then, becomes both the bridge the characters crave and the abyss that they all fear. It manifests in the darkness and the hands that seizes hold of the characters. It’s Kaiji’s obsession of gambling, and its lack the empty feeling he senses in ordinary life, desperation and economic bankruptcy beckoning at every corner. Control, simply put, hides in the games of the show, the gambles that Kaiji takes, over and over: the fleeting moments where Kaiji doesn’t cry or feels despair, where he takes the scam head-on and has a retaliation, where he can take care of others and of himself. The outside games showcase compulsion -- the lack of control -- but even then, it’s hard to admonish Kaiji, who genuinely seems like a good person compromised by the world he’s in. In the second opening’s second half, Hyoudou’s wide and joyous face twists and turns to a roulette that Kaiji runs on like a ball to someone’s game, money bills blowing past him. He stretches out his hand to a bird of light; in the next shot, it flies high above the air and Kaiji chases on concrete. He falls, scraped and bruised, and gets up, eyes wide and then narrow as the viewer takes the bird’s place and flies off to the distance. “I can do it,” sings the vocalist of Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas. “Stretch out your hand.”
There’s a message pinned to the #gambling-den channel in our Discord server, dated 23rd December. “there is a command called !gamble all alt that will gamble an extreme amount of your coins, and result in gains or losses of up to 25x”. I tried it out and promptly won, totalling my fictional currency to around 100k and, more importantly, got myself a spot in the top 20 currency holders of our server (a proud #13). I tried out the command again, but mixed up the prefix; this was while watching a Kaiji episode, and I felt in my gut that I would lose. I tried again and, as I had predicted, lost all of my currency. A fellow user, one that is very fond of me, sent 500 my way, and right away I felt the embarrassment I always do when receiving presents. “It’s not that serious,” I wrote; but in truth, I still glance at the channel, waiting for the moment when I feel ready to lose it all again. Or, maybe, possibly, gain some more. You know, just so that I can lose it all.
Credits: Title is a lyric from ABBA’s Money Money Money, off the 1976 album Arrival.
Translations to the first season are provided by the sub group Triad, the second by Nutbladder (if the file names don’t completely fail me). The translation to zawa has been found by urbandictionary. If there is a mistake in the translations provided, please let me know.
Parasite (2019) is a movie directed by Boon Jong-Ho, distributed in the US by Neon.
The excerpt off Jia Tolentino’s Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion is in the essay A Story of a Generation in Seven Scams. The book is out via Random House and on all bookstores.
Translations to the second opening, Chase the Light, provided by Musicmatch.
Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor and Kaiji: Against All Odds has no licensors available for legal streaming (according to MAL).
Also thank you to DutchPeasant, Chariotwheel, and theangryeditor for their initial insights and comments.
submitted by elleyonce to anime [link] [comments]

Revenge of the Dice


This is not a system I expect anyone to be familiar with since it is still in Alpha and I am the developer of it but for a general comparison think FFG 40k meets 5e with the streamlined mechanics and skills of 5e using a d20 system but stat-lines are XXX instead of XX with no negative modifiers (those are instead applied to skills as a flat -5 Untrained) to the ability scores and the Tens of your stat represents the positive modifier (at the end of the day you have the powerful feeling of PF, the ease of use of 5e, and the deadliness of 40k). Choose your favorite name for certain scores such as Wisdom/Willpower or Dexterity/Agility and you basically know what you're doing. Oh and the more important aspect....the setting is Fantasy Weltkrieg and super grim dark. If you've seen Youjo Senki (Saga of Tanya the Evil), just throw in fantasy races and you're good. Add on about 500 years of alt-history and one bad decision after the other and you more or less get what is called the Europa Conflict or Europan Wars: a 150 year long series of conflicts that puts the Hundred Years War and both Weltkriegs to shame that starts in 1873-current in game time (1920).

The Characters

Since we're here, let's take a moment to describe the players (names altered, no surprise here).
We have a veteran player, good ol' southern American tradition who we will call Gunny as they're typically the voice of reason. Gunny typically plays an NCO or CO and this time wants to do things light and play an Exorcist (this systems equivalent to a super heavy melee-caster but still squishy so think Paladin-Wizard). Gunny is the only player not to roll their stats so they have average baseline in comparison to the rest and makes up for the disparity of almost every other player rolling high with good combat smarts and ends up consistently doing well.
Second we have the squads Engineer, closest equivalent is an Artificer in 5e but much more fleshed out and relies on gadgets and creations. They're played by a long time Balkan PC who we will call Ivan because stereotypes, let's go! Anyway Ivan rolls his stats and gets two perfects and overall decent baselines. They're not the best player and there is a slight language barrier but they're good-humored and stubborn in a good way.
Third we have the last player who has been with me for a while who is new to the class they're playing which is a Footman (systems version of a Fighter but much more adept at all non-magic styles). We'll call him the Guardian based on his play style.
Fourth we have a new comer who we will refer to as Sparks because they're lightning fast in their decisions and like uncontrolled energy, prone to erratic decisions and behavior but not bad they pick a Medic (mostly non-magic healer which is super important). This is the easiest way to explain them but think of them as an F-16 pilot. Thinks they're the shit and super flashy but tends to overcompensate themself. Sparks gets a moderate-decent line up and goes for it.
Finally, we have the problem child who we will call Edgy because they are in all shapes and form. Disclaimer, the person refers to themself as a female but is a male with no plans on gender switching. To each their own but they had the deepest voice imaginable and claimed to be 16. This is all online through Discord and Roll20 (if you are confused by why we didn't know, they didn't speak over voice until they finally decided to play the game). Anyway they were off to a bad start from the get-go with constantly missing sessions and deadlines but coming up with valid excuses so I let it fly because I wanted to be nice. They eventually roll up a Arcanist (think Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard in one) and a Changeling four sessions in and have decent stats and make their character. Never once consults me which I thought was odd because even Gunny still asks questions and he's been with me for almost five years in this never-ending Alpha nightmare. I looked over the sheet, everything seemed to be in order and I was surprised. Maybe this kid is actually going to be a good sign for once....they're not...they're so not.

The Story

To the actual story now that the pretext is out of the way: it was hard enough finding players as the DM for a new system that is not 5e, Pathfinder, or Starfinder and the players I did have for a while numbered only three who have been with me for about 4-5 years now as of this post. I wanted to get a few extra boots on the ground so they weren't so stretched thin since this IS grim dark and the Weltkrieg. With that said I manage to get two players in, one is there from the beginning of this latest campaign that is going on for about 7 weeks and the opening is great...we'll dive into that later but I end up inviting a second person who will become the problem at the behest of me feeling guilty while on lfg because they had a massive sob story of never being able to play (this is all before Quarantine as well).
I don't blame a lot of potential recruits backing out because it is effectively learning a new system and while I have done my best as an amateur excel user to make a decent character sheet, it is very imposing so I work with each new player to help them along.
The prelude is that an armistice has been signed in the fifth outbreak of the continued wars against "the Empire" (basically the Germans) against forces of "the Entente" (effectively everyone else and look, America is here too! Sue me...please don't). Anyway, the group is a forward task force unaffiliated with the region who are being sent in to discreetly uncover a mole or ring of mole operators that have been squawking intelligence out of a forward staging base like a sinking boat trying to be a submarine. HIGHCOMM (High Command) doesn't trust the men at the base to do it because they fear many of the officers are in on it and new-comers at this point are more trust worthy. None of them are senior officers so that makes them the trustworthy salt of the earth...grunts. Anyway they land on the island where the base is set and low and behold, turns out there's a good ol' insurgency on the island. Another bit of information to help paint the scene is that the island is very close to a major member of the Entente's capital so it has been heavily contested and swapped hands many times, one week in game-time before the campaign starts was the most recent offensive which saw the Imperials lose the island again though they seemed to retreat suspiciously quick...
We'll also skip over the several sessions before the problem player shows up for brevity because holy-shit did we cram a ton of instances in less than 10 hours of play-time (our sessions are weekly but only 2 hours each due to international time differences).
Session 5: The Dread Coming
The party has managed to escape the island after it turns out the Imperials hadn't retreated at all and through a series of unfortunate events relating to them discovering a strange magical item that breaks during their attempt to flee, are transported to a random location. This random location happens to be a cursed isle that has been cut off from the world since just before the start of the Weltkrieg and is surrounded by almost impenetrable mists. I describe the isles as effectively being Ireland for the local topography with intense cliffs, very few beaches, and high elevation giving way to sweeping hills and dense forests. The area however is eerily abandoned and there's very little signs of life except what appears to be a burned town with a large blackened tree on the outskirts in what appears to be a burnt orchard.
Edgy is introduced to the party as the person (a young child - I advised against it but they were insistent on playing a child) who discovered them all unconscious by the cliff side and had been picking over their bodies for items. Gunny wakes up first being a trained NCO and pulls a pistol on Edgy keeping them covered while they shake the others awake. Eventually everyone wakes up and they have a brief conversation while keeping Edgy in line of sight. After a few minutes consideration and agreeing they don't know where they are, they attempt to trust the 'child' and let them lead the party in. Edgy does so but tries to get close to everyone and pick their pockets.
They PM me the actions and since the items they were picking was inconsequential I let them do it. All players roll however they want but if I think they get suspicious I enforce a public dice bot for the offending players. They tell me at Disadvantage they get a consistent +25 for all four rolls. I double check their stat line, they are Trained in Pickpocketing so it's not that unlikely with their score mod to do it so I let it slide and they pickpocket effectively their messkits and a canteen (again inconsequential so I thought nothing of it). The party gets in town and it turns out the child is not known to the locals and the locals don't trust any of them as new-comers are beyond rare since the fogs rolled in decades past.
In return for bring back a foraging party, they would be trusted enough to enter the town and they get pointed in the direction of the hill. The party assumes a marching order and advances towards a windmill in the distance near the orchard they are told the foraging party went to though it is getting late. The pointman takes overwatch and performs the scout rolls when before they even roll Edgy interrupts everyone and says they rolled a Nat 20 and demands to know what they see. This is the first time they speak out loud and we're all taken aback since they have until this time only communicated by text and it sounds like rocks grinding against each other - not at all like a female or a young teenager. I move everyone along past this and let it slide with a warning that I ask for the rolls and that a Nat 20 is not a guaranteed success all the times. They go silent for a while and the party makes camp inside the mill since nightfall approaches and they can hear inhuman screeches in the distance.
The party fortifies the perimeter under the directions of Gunny and Ivan while Sparks takes first watch. No one explores the mill first and Sparks clambers to the top to find what looks like a hooded person sitting on the edge as if asleep. Sparks tries to wake them unsuccessfully with words first and then shakes the creature awake - turns out they're actually an infested corpse barely held together by dozens of writhing snake-like parasites. Initiative starts with Sparks being surprised since they have an Agility of 7 (in 5e terms this would be equivalent to a 1 Raw Score in Dexterity. Combat starts and before I even declare what happens in the surprise, Edgy tries to teleport all the way up over 5 stories with Misty Step. I inform them it's not their turn, Misty Step won't cover the range anyway, and that they don't know Misty Step nor do they have line of sight since it's happening outside on the uppermost ring of the mill. They mute themselves again and initiative goes through with no one waking up until Sparks turn comes up (they rolled a Nat 1) and screams for help. Everyone makes Perception checks to try and wake up and everyone but Edgy fails with single digit rolls. Combat rolls through back to Edgy and they say they will ignore it. I ask why since they recognized the voice of a compatriot and they say nothing, the rest of the party says nothing but in the PM we have between Gunny and I he tells me I should strong arm them, I don't since I typically leave players to reap their own consequences unless it is an exceptionally bad decision (the NPC has very little health so it shouldn't be too bad so nothing to worry right!?).
Anyway somehow Sparks gets the idea to jump off the side to escape and falls to almost unconsciousness (literally 1 HP) from five stories and the creature follows after them exploding in dozens of individual parasites. The sound alone is enough to wake up all players now. The party easily defeats it with Ivan using their flamethrower to kill it with fire. During the entire time, Edgy does literally nothing. The party asks why they did nothing and gets upset when Edgy says in-character they did hear the scream for help but that they owe the group nothing. It doesn't sit well with the PCs in-character but out-of-character everyone agrees that is an acceptable reason (we're all pretty reasonable). The situation slides but they have a nice chat with Edgy in-character about working together and acting as one. Anyway daybreak comes soon and Sparks gets patched up. The party leaves the mill and explores the orchard discovering a slaughter with a few good leads. They quickly determine either the foragers were killed by very large wolves or perhaps were-creatures and follow one of the trails to a small abandoned cabin in the center that looks like an old storage structure for tools and maybe the groundskeeper. The door is shut and they discover an NPC inside.
The party discusses what they should do between themselves as the NPC is frightened and won't open the door but confirms what they had pieced together as truth. Only under one circumstance will the NPC open the door: if the party finds their little brother. The party assents though Edgy PMs me that they want to break down the door and drag the NPC out. I tell them none of the other PCs will let them and this is in broad daylight, it wouldn't be possible to do it discreetly and they return to brooding. Keep in mind this is still the same first session with Edgy and already I know I need to sit them down after session. Anyway the rest of the session is a carousel of bad rolls but they find the trail of the creatures and track them down to the lair.
In a vicious and close fight since most of the party lacks darkvision, Edgy has the ability to cast Light and never does since in this system, Changelings do have darkvision, the party rescues the young boy who they suspect has been infected with lycanthropy since the were-creature bit the child and there is now no evidence of the wound. Most of the party are against killing a young child and decide to warn the village but bring the child with them since it is still early morning. They loot the dungeon with Edgy rolling the highest result and finding the best item first. They tell the party nothing about the item and pocket for themself which is a magical longsword even though they have no weapon proficiencies.
Fully looted and healing up lightly, they make their retreat back to the village and re-unite the two NPCs. At town, despite the disastrous results, the towns-people keep their word and let the party in. End session.

Session 6: Over the Hill

The party wakes up the next day and speak with the leader of the village who refers to them simply as "the Bishop" who is an old, blind man assisted by a cane but appears as if he can see anyway. He claims it is his belief in faith that provides him this abilities and they have a long conversation about the isles history since until this time, none of the PCs really know where they are though some know the rumors. It's a lengthy plot building session and everyone is enjoying it...except Edgy...who tries to plunder the church secretly. They get caught since there is no cover to break line of sight and they try to argue that another Nat 20, this time in Stealth means no one can see them. I inform them it's a common misconception but Stealth is auto broken if the creatures can still see you, especially in a lit interior less than 15 feet away. The Bishop forgives Edgy but warns them that deeds, regardless of type never go unpunished or unrewarded. The Bishop mentions that there might be a way off the isle, he tasks the party with reaching the ruined remains of the lords castle which has been taken over by nefarious forces of darkness and bring back a relic of unfathomable power known as the Dawn Breaker.
The party agrees since they really want off this island and Edgy just wants to kill something at this point. Begin a short but check-filled trek across the forests towards the target location. Fast forward about ten minutes of dice rolling and the party reaches the outskirts near the end of the day and see that the "nefarious forces" are actually Imperials who have landed on the isle. There's a work camp on the outskirts and long lines of sight from heavily fortified and repaired positions. The place is effectively buttoned up tight and there's no way to approach it without being seen, especially since two-thirds of the approach are against a cliff face. The party, in some unknown lack of wisdom decides to WALK ACROSS THE FIELD with most of the party stealthing and only Edgy remaining unstealthed. I inform them this means splitting the party since stealthed belly crawling across the low incline to avoid being seen means quarter movement while Edgy is going to be moving at half speed since they're walking only. Everyone agrees and Edgy just waltzes across.
Little does everyone know this is a minefield and only through sheer dumb luck on the percentile rolls I make in secret does Edgy make it half way and then decides to cast FIREBALL for no reason at the nearest watch tower. No warning, just does it. I ask if they are joking and they confirm that they not just want to cast Fireball once, they want to keep casting it until someone comes out. No one comes out and within three rounds, all players hear a loud echoing boom coming from the castle (it's heavy mortars). Gunny instinctively recognizes the sound and grabs the other three party members since they're far behind having been belly crawling and they sprint for their lives away. Edgy sits there and continues to psychotically cast fireball and then teleports away. The shells land in the field and detonate some of the mines. After a few minutes of barrage, the gates open and a large formation of Imperial skirmishers with mastiffs come out. The party splits, literally splits (against repeat warnings not to) and goes in literally every direction except the same rolling scatter dice.
Shits out of the bag now but one player stays you know who it is? Edgy. Edgy tries to speak with the Imperials and sells out the party. None of the other players see it happening and know nothing. By now Edgy has rolled a seventh nat 20 in the second session, in a row and I inform them going forward they have to roll in the dice channel. While it isn't unheard of, I've legitimately done in Adventurer's League 6 Nat 20s back to back with the same die but the likelihood of it happening is astronomically slim. Edgy is really upset but eventually consents and starts rolling in the dice bot. A mixture of good and bad for the rest of the session but we digress. The party eventually through again sheer luck on my secret rolling with two nat 100s on the percentile die and the rest averaging above 50 find themselves and make camp in the woods, luckily the Imperials stopped chasing after a while though they don't know why. Edgy has found them and tells them he discovered a place that is nearby they could turn into a camp. Just about then, the party hears a disturbance and goes to ground except Edgy who just stands in the open, next to a fire, at night, and just stands there...luckily it's a group of Partisans seeking to end the Imperials occupation and the party manages to gain their trust until Edgy just flat out says he sold them out to the Imperials completely out of the blue.
The Partisans want to kill them, Gunny wants to as well. Only Sparks and Guardian who until now has just been going with the flow saying the bare minimum but enjoying themself because it's a distraction barely through the skin of their teeth roll and say some damn convincing shit that I give both Inspiration. The Partisans agree only if Edgy is disarmed and tied up. Edgy attempts to cast a spell, in broad line of sight of EVERYONE and fails. This pisses off the Partisan leader because the spell was Charm Person who decks Edgys character who then decides to finally use his Changeling ability to shape shift. Everyone take a wild guess what terrible decision he chooses. Yep, you probably guessed it, he transforms INTO THE PARTISAN LEADER. Another very tense round of diplomacy ensues and Edgy is chained up and marched out with their mouth gagged and the party find miscellaneous shit he had stolen on his person as well as the sword which finally goes to Guardian who is a melee based tank in the Weltkrieg (don't ask why they did it, they just did). Edgy is ticked off and annoyed saying everyone is ganging up on them and being unreasonable, I move it along after saying you did bring it on yourself and everyone agrees that was beyond a stupid idea. The party reaches the town in question which coincides with the Partisans main host that has been gearing up for an assault against the castle and is asking the party for assistance, luckily this works with their plan since they can use the distraction to infiltrate the castle and find the item.
End Session.

Session 7: The Empire Strikes Back

Edgy is let out though not given any of their shit back as the party and the partisans try to piece together a plan. No one really watches Edgy who rummages through the camp and finds what he needs to cast light then casts it on a bullet and fires it in the air. Luckily for him, no one saw it but a lot of people suspect it. Within an hour, the Imperial host is marching down on the town as Edgy has now accomplished what they wanted. All questions of allegiance go out the window as it quickly becomes apparent that everyone is going to die together and so they rapidly try to fortify the town and everyone except Edgy enjoys the pre-planning session of setting up on a large map I made in Roll 20 and placing defenses. A bunch of fun skill checks related to everyones affinities and training along with some motivational speeches...but then the attack begins.
During this entire time, Edgy has done nothing to help anyone and as the first tank round hits the church belfry, guess what he does. He just ups and leaves the group to die by going to the farthest structure and literally excavating a hole underneath the wooden house and crawling inside. For the next two hours of game session since we had planned this event to be a four hour session, he literally does nothing and sits underneath the house until finally he decides to do something. He shoots up into the air and wants to be a fireball casting bomber effectively. I grin. I have been planning for this situation the entire time.
Earlier in the sessions I had been mentioning based off shared Intelligence checks to recall military tactics of different nations that since magic is known and well used in a military capacity, each nation has their own anti-mage countermeasures. Most involve snipers or specialist heavy weapon or assault units and almost everyone universally recognizes the threat a mage represents. Que consequences.
During the first hour of fierce street fighting the party and partisans were being pushed back. They had no anti-tank weaponry and the Imperials were using their heavy tanks to slowly push forward. The center of the town has three bridges and a wide ravine which splits the northern and southern side...the players have mined all three bridges. The Imperials stop firing as they near the bridge and plan to cross but additionally, Jaegers (specialized elite snipers who are also the Imperials anti-mage units) have been secretly moving up behind and taking overwatch positions. They've consistently held their turns to only target Partisan snipers, artillery observers, officers...and more importantly magic casters. There's a total of six Jaeger teams operating in groups of three with one spotting and two acting as the shooters. Edgy goes up in the centralized area of all six teams. Before he even gets a chance to start raining fire, I inform him and reveal to everyone the Jaegers they've been trying to find and kill as they all open fire at the same target.
Edgy casts shield and claims his AC is now 34+. I look at his sheet, it does say that though I'm really questioning how he got it there, did I miss something in the creation rules and special feats/talents that would allow such a high AC? I let it slide for now but the Jaegers have very good to hit and advantage since they have taken aimed shots so they have very strong to hit chances but lower damage (however they have a x5 crit modifier). Publicly rolling, all 12 shots are above a Nat 18. Three crits. The combined damage is 438 with average damage rolls after crits and special rounds. Edgy says he's still up. Knowing that he had put a lot of points into damage mitigation and he had resistance to the damage type since it was non-magical. I look at his sheet again. Somehow he has over 400 HP and Stamina, more than the teams tank who has 370ish HP and Stamina. We're almost at the end of our time allotment so I don't say anything other than I'm going to need to see his spending of points after the session. He casts another spell, big mistake. I reveal the effects of the Jaegers anti-mage rounds to the entire group on Roll 20. Only when someone casts another spell does it take effect and causes the neural pathways to be overloaded with excruciating pain by overstimulating the receptors. His character quite literally hemorrhages to death through spasms and he falls 200 feet to his death. Ups and leaves on the spot accusing everyone of cheating and working against him but doesn't outright quit.
Anyway, the battle finishes with a pyrric victory for the defenders as the bridges detonate and take a good 75% of the Imperial forces as the infantry was densely clustered around the tanks to take cover from the machineguns. We all had a "blast" but decide to take a break before the next session in two weeks. Edgy comes back afterwards and says he wants to make a new character, I let him though say I will be inputting the values for him. He rolls, gets 4 single digit stats and the highest is below a 30 (I allowed for the campaign a High Stake gamble where you roll a d100 rather than 6d6+6). He demands a re-roll, I told him no. "The whole point of rolling was that you take the results, it's a gamble where you either get 2-3x the normal stat of a sub level 10 character or you get average stats or you get really shitty stats. No one else complained and went with their stats so you will too. You're being a child." He rage quits on the spot. As a meme, the party and I go through his old character sheet and attempt to reverse engineer it and then I notice it.
So the character sheets are done through Google Docs with me sharing the excel spreadsheet and making copies off the master. Each individual person shares any e-mail they want with me and I protect their copy of the sheet so only they will be able to edit it but anyone who can view the sheets can see them. However the way it is protected prevents the viewing of formulas unless you can edit them (like I can as the owner). I compare the formulas. He had overwritten every calculation to give himself a 2-300% stat boost in health. Sneakily hid formula cells in darkened cells (blacked out) to give passive buffs and had altered his baseline stats after the fact. I went into the audit, basically after the first session he went in and overrode every stat that had been generated and effectively doubled their scores. Because of how much rolling was done in the dice log, I hadn't bothered to check but was suspicious. Effectively, as Level 9 characters, he had managed to achieve statlines even with the High Stakes stats what is only achievable with a Level 15+. On top, he had fudged the amount of SP (Skill Points) he had to build his character with four times the amount that would be purchasable and hid the effects. All in all, it became a great laugh because even with all the cheating - I still eliminated him with legitimate tactics and careful planning and the party was still able to carry on. To this day, we constantly refer to similar instances as "Pulling an 'Edgy'" and the group is still going strong...until the outbreak began and we went on hiatus as two players are hospitalized right now.


Player tries to be a literal edge lord and alter their stats with under table tactics, fudges almost every result to power game and gets defeated by legitimate tactics. As an aside, he PMed me a long post which was then deleted claiming that DMs like me are the problem with the RPG community and that in 5e, anything less than 20 starting scores or in this game, 80 starting scores across the board was unplayable and not fun.
As a DM, the lesson taken away is that at times you should always double check players math even if it's auto calculated because some things may either mistakenly wrong or deliberate. Overall I am very experienced and let my judgement when there was multiple warning signs be clouded because they had a long sob story that would make even Hitler blush.
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